Yupp. You read that right. Call him crazy. My husband bought a house I had never seen in person.
I was away for the weekend in Nashville at a workshop when my realtor called me and told me about the “twilight tour” they were having. It is when they release a bunch of houses to the market on the same day and hold open houses that night. These houses are all quick sellers, most, including ours, would sell that night. I told her I clearly couldn’t make it, but would see if Kenny and my sister would go look at a couple houses.
I headed off to the workshop and my phone was vibrating like crazy the whole time. Phone calls, pictures, text messages. When we had a break in the workshop I called them both back, tried to look at the pictures, and tried to comprehend what all was happening! My sister kept saying, “Sara, this house is awesome, BUY IT!” Kenny seemed really excited about it too. Me on the other-hand, was still trying to process all the amazing information I was just told during the workshop!
I had no clue what to do, Kenny wanted answers that I didn’t have and so I literally said, “I trust you. You know what we are looking for, what is important to us, I trust your decision.” I had to get back to the workshop as the second part was about to start and that was all I heard for a few hours. We were on our way to dinner when I got a phone call from Kenny, wishing me a happy birthday (but my birthday wasn’t for another week!) He had put an offer in, and it was accepted. I didn’t believe him so I called the realtor!
We bought a house! I had never walked through it. I was speechless, nervous and super excited!
I left for home the next day and we managed to get over and walk through it that night. It was beautiful! SO well kept and it had the majority of what we were looking for! Kenny did a great job! Since then, its been crazy. So many things happening, from inspections, to the closing and more. We closed in June and finally took possession at the beginning of the month.
Life has been crazy hectic with me working a ton at roadhouse as well as with lots of amazing sessions! We’ve hit some road bumps already and have been working on getting it repainted and ready for us to move in, and that alone has been stressful! I’m excited to watch it transform into “our home” and i’m excited to update you all through out the process!
Forgive me for all the crappy cell-phone pictures. I have not even had the time to go snap some great pictures with my camera!!
Beckett is super excited about his new room!! We also have a third bedroom for someone very special and soon i’ll be sharing whos room that is!!
Beckett’s room is on the left and the other room is for someone very special!!