With so many decisions that need to be made when prepping for a baby, I’m hoping that a newborn session is one of them!
There are two different types of sessions you can do to document your babies first few days home! I hope this blog helps ease the decision on which type of session is for you! Some of the differences below are specific to Sara Campbell Photography, so if you have another photographer in mind, be sure to ask them to explain all the details of their sessions to you!
Studio Sessions:
These sessions are photographed in my studio and are comprised of both beanbag posed images as well as prop shots. Parent, sibling and family set ups are all included! These sessions tend to last a little longer as we have to get your sweet babe nice and sleepy! I use a safety assistant with each of these sessions! Safety is my UTMOST concern! I provide props, hats, bonnets, headbands/tiebacks & outfits for these sessions!
Pros: You don’t have to worry about a clean house. You can sit back and relax for the majority of your session.
Cons: Traveling with a newborn is always a little nerve wrecking at first!
Lifestyle Sessions:
These sessions are photographed in your home and are comprised of real life moments. There is no formal posing of baby. Because there is no formal posing, we don’t use a safety assistant! They are much more relaxed style of sessions. I’ll often photograph baby in the nursery as well as nursery details. I document diaper changes, feedings, bath time, nap time. Anything that happens during my time there! Parent, sibling & family set ups are included!
Pros: You don’t have to leave your house! These sessions tend to be more emotionally filled as they are documented within the walls of your own home.
Cons: I’m coming over! haha! If you’re anything like me- the thought of letting someone come into your home days after you bring home a new baby is a wee bit stressful! But I promise I don’t care what you’re house looks like- I guarantee mine has been worse. Far far worse!
Studio Lifestyle Sessions:
Now wait a second. You’re probably wondering what the heck this is, I just told you there were TWO different types of sessions and pointed out how incredibly different studio vs lifestyle session are- how can you do both?!
Some people are not fans of the posed sessions, but their homes don’t offer substantial light or maybe you just don’t want to clean it. Believe me- I totally get it! I’ve got the best of both worlds and am more than willing to offer a lifestyle type of session here in my studio!
So what type of session do you think you’d be interested in?! Whether in my studio or your home I would be absolutely honored to capture your newest addition!