Although Monday is when I usually share wedding vendors, Ambyr is really a great service for anyone! Not just my Bride & Grooms!! Since Master Vendor Monday is geared towards my Bride and Grooms I’ll lay this out as such!
I know so many of my couples (and families!) have pets! All of which we know are apart of our family! If you fit this category- Meet Ambyr! Brides & Grooms, before you guys take off on your honeymoon snag Ambyr up to watch your fur baby while you kick back, relax and enjoy your new husband/wife!
She is a bright light, spunky, & caring! She helps everyone whenever she can and is one of the biggest supporters of this community! She works endlessly to make people Love Lima as much as she does!! She is also the Owner and guru behind Golden Gals Pet Sitting Services!
Before you go sending your baby off to a boarding facility, consider Ambyr!
What all does your services entail?
I offer three different services right now.
-The 30 minute drop in. Say you’re just doing a daytrip to go check out a venue, or go dress shopping or even a bachlorette party and the last thing you want to think about is going back to check on Fluffy halfway through the day. That’s where we come in.
-30 minute drop in/walk. This is when you have that fur baby who needs a little extra and needs to get out and stretch those marathon legs of theirs. Especially Husky types that have it in their DNA to run.
-The 24 overnight/housesitting. Sometimes you need to get outta town and relax but boarding is not an option, kenneling would devastate them and no friends and family are able to come to the rescue. We’re an awesome option. We come to your house and come and go just like you would. We get detailed info with an intake sheet so that you only have to tell us those details once, bring in mail, feed, water, stay the night and leave everything for you just the way you left it. Including a happy pet. Think of us as a visiting Grandma. We get to do some spoiling with extra treats and walks AND you don’t have to worry about us asking when you’re going to get more grandbabies. It’s a win/win.
How did you get started in this business??
Totally an accident! I was a youth leader in the area and my second youth group introduced me to these awesome middle school kids that kinda stole my heart. Their parents ended up asking me sometime after the church got to know me, if I would like to come babysit their kids and older retriever so they could get away for a weekend. We had SOOOOO much fun that weekend. So the next time they were ready for a vacation they took the girls with them, but their retriever was old enough that boarding her would have been dangerous. You know? Like putting an elderly person in a home…sometimes they don’t come back the same. And I remember thinking, is this weird to stay alone at someone’s house with just their fur baby? Turns out – it was so awesome. Knowing that I could offer that level of trust around their stuff and more importantly around their sweet, sweet retriever made the whole thing this eye opener for the peace of mind people wished they could have on vacation. That was 7 years ago!
How do you think others would describe you?!
Oh man. Trustworthy. Passionate. Lover of my community. Strong advocate for supporting local. Spunky and adventurous. Oh and aggressively friendly.
4. Who does your staff include?
There are four of us right now! One is a gal that was in my first youth group ever almost a decade ago and she’s been working with me 4 years now. Another is a local college students who came recommended from the university. An attorney out in St. Marys who’s INCREDIBLE so I can stay closer to Lima. And my best friend who’s a stay at home mom running her social media manager business and raising her two boys while she helps me.
5. What do you enjoy doing when you are not with Golden Gals?
Traveling. I SO enjoy traveling when I’m not pet sitting!
6. What’s the craziest type of pet you have ever taken care of?
Oh my lort. So listen. It would probably have to be a toss up between these horses and pigs on small farm, the bearded dragon or the seemingly normal looking pair of Shiba Inu’s who’s breed has an extremely sensitive stomach. Sensitive enough to be upset when their people left and spend 4 days with diarrhea and the vet.
7. What does Golden Gals offer that is different than a take and stay boarding facility?
Your pet is already worried when they know you’re leaving. You’re their people. That’s elevated stress and behavior issues that can stem from that. Putting them in a setting that’s away from their home is always a safety risk. When we come to your home though, there’s no strange smells, or sounds or animals that can spook them and elevate an already stressful day for them. Instead they anticipate an extra treat, a sorely missed extra walk, and their routine just the way they remember it. It decreases the possibility of them getting sick from being around other animals, and it increases the likelihood that they won’t revenge pee on your carpet when you get home after being gone so long.
8.Some of your favorite things? (food, candy bars, cats vs. dog? Tell us more!
I love to karaoke! And lead worship down at Shawnee Alliance. I adore surprises and salsa dancing which is why I host a monthly salsa dance in Lima. Next one is October 28th!
9. What pets do you own?!
I have two kitties! Baby J who’s a 15 years old calico and Sophia who’s approx a 5 year old Siamese. Both rescues and both incredibly understanding when I come home smelling of other kitties.