I always knew I wanted to have a studio space of my own! Some days it seemed like it was a dream that would never happen. For over 10 years I’ve worked out of my home, making some room or another my “studio”.
When Kenny and I were looking to buy our first home there was the stipulation that there must be a space I can use to shoot. And while I was away on a workshop Kenny and my sister went house hunting during a big real estate release night. And without me he bought our first home, fit with the studio i’ve used for the last 6 years.
My dreams and visions for my studio have changed more times than I can count. But the wheels for a space my own have always been in motion, ideas turning in my brain. I wanted to be downtown, but I wanted to be close to my kids, I wanted in an old historic building with charm and character, I wanted to create a space of calm. I’ve not quite been able to create the art i’ve wanted as the space wasn’t quite what I needed.
When we began looking for land to build our future home, my vision for my studio became more and more clear. I loved the idea of being able to be close when my kids got off the bus, but more than anything I wanted a place that allowed more separation of work and home. A place that I can leave work at the end of the day and be right home. And we found it.
Ardeck- not the most common of names. I took 3 letters from both my kids names (Ard)en and B(eck)ett to create the name. They fuel my passion to create memories for others, but to show my kids they can achieve their dreams too. (Cliche I know).
I’ve already started sharing some details of our home building process, but I’m excited to share with you the build of my forever studio! I’m incredibly excited for the space and to welcome all the families to it! It will hopefully allow for me to comfortably fit your families, and snuggle your babies without forcing all the dads to sit in the hot box of my studio! haha
Lots of visions and things to come, but here’s the floorplan!
Planning for three shooting spaces, I’ll have my newborn room, a lifestyle room (Yay for no bed in my dining room! haha!) and the large open space to shoot in! With more wall space and better arranged windows, i’ll be able to create more stylized sessions for each of you!
I may sound as though things have just fallen into place with everything but it most certainly has not! I recently had to do an appeal to get permission to work out of the building we had planned to be my studio. Thankfully the zoning board passed my conditional use permit and officially we are ready to start construction in a few weeks!!
Kenny took this photo of me after the hearing, it’s the official site of the studio photo haha!
I am hoping by September the Studio will be finished, fingers crossed!! And a BIG HUGE thank you to everyone who have prayed, sent good vibes and all the things over the last few months. I’m so excited to host all my wonderful families and babies in this new space!
Hello! Is your studio for rent at this time?