I have a hard time wrapping around how quickly these sweet babes of mine turn one!? Like HOW is it even possible!?! Sometimes it seems faster than my own kiddos growing up! This sweet girl came to be for her newborn session, broken collar bone and all! Gave the sweetest smiles then and kept them coming right along for her first birthday session!
Her first photo was ALL smiles, it quickly turned into alligator tears left and right until mama would pick her up! We tried lots of things, surprisingly she let me give her a bottle which helped ever slightly!
I’ve learned that most often, when a kiddo starts to cry- it rarely goes the other way. My hopes for smiles were slim. And because I knew that Kara & Collins drove over an hour and I was worried. I thought it would be best to move on to cake. We should have known, she kept chewing on the stars for her unicorn set, that should have told Kara and I right then that she wanted cake! haha!
That was all this girl needed! NO hesitation, instantly dug right in!! Her smiles ignited and I could have sworn this little unicorn was gonna fly away! She LOVED it! No better way to end a cake smash than with a cute splash session!! She loved the water just as much as the cake!!
I can’t believe this sweet girl is one!! She is such a bright light and has the absolute sweetest smile! I can’t wait to continue to watch you grow!! Happy FIRST birthday Collins!!