I have a hard time wrapping around how quickly these sweet babes of mine turn one!? Like HOW is it even possible!?! Sometimes it seems faster than my own kiddos growing up! This sweet girl came to be for her newborn session, broken collar bone and all! Gave the sweetest smiles then and kept them […]
I cannot believe Autumn is 1! Already!! I have absolutely LOVED watching this little girl grow! She is a doll!! Look how much she has changed!! She is so stinking cute, and so stinking stubborn!! I swear, Autumn gives me a run for my money, every. single. time! But I wouldn’t have it any other […]
I’ve never hidden the fact that my dog Vinny has some anxiety issues, I have made countless efforts to help him. When we lived in St. Louis, one of those efforts involved working with a dog trainer. I googled her, interviewed her and preceded with training sessions. The trainer knew I was a photographer and […]
My session with my cousin Brittany’s family was awesome! It started out with lots of “whips and nae nae’s” and ended with Garrett attempting to be spider man–in a white shirt. Such a boy! I honestly don’t even know what I loved more, seeing how connected they were as a family or seeing how IN […]